Komoju Android SDK
object KomojuAndroidSDK
Singleton object providing the main SDK functionalities for Komoju Android integration.
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data class ConfigurableTheme(val primaryColorInt: Int, val primaryContentColorInt: Int, val loaderColorInt: Int, val primaryShapeCornerRadiusInDp: Int) : Parcelable
Class to define configurable theme options for the payment UI.
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data class Configuration(val language: Language, val currency: Currency, val publishableKey: String?, val isDebugMode: Boolean, val sessionId: String?, val redirectURL: String, val appScheme: String, val configurableTheme: KomojuAndroidSDK.ConfigurableTheme, val inlinedProcessing: Boolean) : Parcelable
Configuration class to hold parameters required for payment processing.
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A result of the payment, indicating whether the payment was successful or not.
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val activityResultContract: ActivityResultContract<KomojuAndroidSDK.Configuration, KomojuAndroidSDK.PaymentResult>
An ActivityResultContract for starting a payment flow and returning a result asynchronously.